Tessemae's Easy, Effortless Thanksgiving Menu!

Does preparing the huge feast feel like an overwhelming responsibility? Here’s our easy-to-follow game plan, complete with classic Thanksgiving recipes, most of which are Whole30 compliant!
We'll be posting recipes all week, so stay tuned. And in the meantime, here's your handy prep list:)
The Day Before
-Blanch the green beans
-Make the cranberry sauce
-Make Stuffing and place in oven-proof serving vessel
Early Thanksgiving Day
-Prepare the turkey
While Turkey Roasts
-Prepare the Butternut Squash & Shallots, but don’t bake them
-Remove green beans from the fridge
-Make Brussels Sprouts Salad
While the Turkey Rests
-Roast Butternut Squash & Shallots
-Finish Green Beans dish
-Make the Gravy
-Warm Cranberry Sauce
-Warm Stuffing in oven
Dinner is served!